Through a competitive Request for Proposal Process DLR Group was selected as the firm retained to lead the Rivoli Reuse Study. This work is funded by a grant that the John Boner Neighborhood Centers received from Lilly Endowment in December 2018.
Through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process, John Boner Neighborhood Centers retained DLR Group to complete the feasibility study for the Rivoli which includes the following specific tasks:
Assess the viability of, and potential for, reactivating the Rivoli Theatre based on the existing market, user demand, facility supply, and potential benefits and impacts
Identify 3 to 5 case studies of facilities comparable to the Rivoli Theatre in communities like the Near Eastside and East 10th Street corridor, highlighting lessons learned and keys to success
Develop 5 to 7 reuse scenarios for the Rivoli Theatre, including potential partners, space plans, basic operating proformas, and capital cost estimates
Select a concept and create a business plan for operations, schematic drawings, and capital cost estimates
Develop an approach to connect the Rivoli Theatre and other Near Eastside community assets and planning efforts on the western edge of the 10th Street Corridor and Massachusetts Avenue
You can read the full DLR scope of work here.